Background: Cystic meningioma is a rare variety of meningioma. It\nrepresents 4% to 7% of all meningiomas. The authors report a case of\nintracranial cystic meningioma with a review of literature. Case Report: A\n59-year-old female presented with a history of headache followed by left side\nhemiplegia. CT scan and MRI of the brain showed a right parietal tumor with\ndouble solid and cystic components thought to be pilocytic astrocytoma or\nmetastasis preoperatively. At surgery, the extraaxial solid and cystic lesion\nhad a well defined capsule that could be easily separated from the perilesional\ncortical surface. The tumor was totally removed and the cyst was punctioned.\nThe histological study showed a cystic meningioma WHO Grade I. A\nfollow-up at 10 months after surgery, the patient was going well and\nrecovered from the hemiplegiaa. Conclusion: Cystic meningioma is an\nuncommon tumor that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of\nbrain tumors with a cystic component. The preoperative diagnosis and\nmanagement could be in some cases challenging.